Niraj: What environment are you using? SQL Server/.NET/Windows? or something


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Hostetter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 4:24 PM
Subject: Re: Faceted Search!

: define the sub-categories.  let's say from the above example, the
: category "price" has different sub-categories like "less than 100"
: ,"100-200"?  I'm guessing, we explicit define this in XML feed file, but
: I could be very wrong.  In any case, can you please give me the short
: example achieve that implementation.  Well, thanks once again.

there's nothing "out of the box" from Solrthat will do this, it's
something you would need to implement either in the lcient or in a custom
request handler ... Solr's "Simple Faceting" support is esigned to be just
that: simple.  but the underlying methods/mechanisms of computing DocSet
intersetions can be used by any custom requets handler to generate
application specific results.

I've got 3 or 4 indexes that use the out of the box SimpleFacet support
Solr provides, but the major faceting we do (product based facets) all
uses custom request handlers so we can have very exact control on all of
this kind of stuff driven by our data management tools.


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