: generating XML feed file and feeding to the Solr server.  However, I was
: also looking into implementing having sub-categories within the
: categories if that make sense.  For example, in the shopper.com we have
: the categories of by price, manufactures and so on and with in them,they
: are sub categories (price is sub-cat into <$100, 100-200, 200-300 etc).
: I don't have constraint in terms of technology.  If I have to implement
: db server I won't mind implementing it.  Anyway, plz shine a light on
: how would you handle this issue.  Any suggestion will be appericated.

the shopper.com solution is very VERY specialized and specific to the
datamodel used to manage the category metadata .... if i had to do it
overagain i would do it a lot differnetly.

way way back there was a thread about "complex faceting" where i included
some ideas on a possible facet configuration xml syntax which could
then be parsed by a request handler, with different types of faceting
(simple query, ranges, based on terms, prefix) delegated to helper
classes.  there was also the idea of being able groups facets or make
facets depend on other facets (ie: don't show the author facet untill a
value has been picked from the author_initial facet)

nothing ever really came of it, but it's how i'd probably approach trying
to tackle something like the shopper.com functionality if CNET threw away
our product metadata data model and started from scratch.



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