: Regarding reflection - even if reflection is slower, and I'm sure it is,
: I just don't know exactly how much slower it is, couldn't we cache the
: instantiated instances keyed off by name?  Such instances would have to
: be thread-safe, but I imagine most/all Tokenizers already are
: thread-safe.

most instances of Tokenizer and TokenFilter aren't threadsafe -- i'm not
sure how they could be given that the only real method they have is
"next()" ... everyone implementation i know of is constructed using a
Reader or TokenStream (depending on wether it's a Tokenizer or
TokenFilter) ... so reuse with new input is a bit hard

as i mentioned in one of the threads i linked to, the best we can probably
do is resolve the classname into a Class object in the init methods of
a ReflectionTOkenFilterFactory or ReflectionTokenizerFactory class, but a
new instance really needs to be constructed everytime the create() methods
are called.

like i said though: i'm in favore of factories like this ... i just don't
think we should do anything to hide their use and make refering to
Tokenizer or TOkenFilter class names directly use reflection magicly.

: http://www.nabble.com/Re%3A-making-schema.xml-nicer-to-read-use-p5939980.html
: http://www.nabble.com/foo-tf1737025.html#a4720545


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