On Sep 10, 2007, at 3:07 PM, Mike Klaas wrote:
On 10-Sep-07, at 11:54 AM, melkink wrote:

The other change I made (which may or may not have contributed to the
solution) was to remove all line breaks from the text being submitted to the doctext field. The line breaks were causing solr to interpret the text as having multiple values and forced me to put a multivalued="true" attribute in the schema.xml. Removing the line breaks allowed me to remove this

Interesting--I've never seen this behaviour (I definitely store fields with linebreaks in strings).

Are you sure that it isn't your own framework that is generating multiple <field> entries for this input case?

Interestingly the solr-ruby library would create multiple field versions before I fixed the issue. A document like this:

   {:id => 123, :text => "a newline\nin the middle"}

would require "text" to be multiValued. The reason was because the magic under the covers looks at the field value objects and iterates over them if they implement the #each method. String#each returns each _line_ - *sigh* (going away in later versions of Ruby, thank goodness).

melkink - are you using solr-ruby? If so, that bug has been fixed in later versions ;)


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