Hi all,

Using SOLR, I believe I have to index the same content 4 times (not desirable) 
into 2 indexes -- and I don't know how you can practically do multiple indexes 
in SOLR (if indeed there is no better solution than 4 indexing runs into two 

My need is case-sensitive and case insensitive searches over well formed XML 
content (books), performing exact searches at the paragraph and sentence levels 
-- no errors over approximate boundaries -- the source content has exact 
par/sen tags.

I have already proven a pretty nice solution for par/sen indexing twice into 
the same index in SOLR.  I have added a tags field, and put correlative XML 
tags (comma delimited) into this field (one of which is either a para or sen 
flag) which flags the document (partial) as a paragraph or sentence.  Thus all 
paragraphs of the book are indexed as single document (with its sentences 
combined and concatenated) and then all sentences in the book are indexed again 
as single documents.  Both go into the same SOLR index. I just add an AND 
"tags:para" or "tags:sen" to my search and everything works fine.

The obvious downside to this approach is the 2X indexing, but it does execute 
quite nicely on a single Index using SOLR. This obviously doesn't scale nicely, 
but will do for quite a while probably.

I thought I could live with that....

But then I moved on to case sensitive and case-insensitive searches, and my 
research so far is pointing to one index for each case.

So now I have:
(1) 4X in content indexing
(2) 2X in actual SOLR/Lucene indices
(3) I don't know how to practically due multiple indices using SOLR?

If there is a better way of attacking this problem, I would appreciate 

Also, I don't know how to do multiple indices in SOLR -- I have heard it might 
be available in 1.3.0.?  If this is my only recourse, please advise me where 
really good documentation is available on building 1.3.0.  I am not admin 
savvy, but I did succeed in getting SOLR up myself and navigation through it 
with the help of this forum.  But I have that building 1.3.0 (as opposed to 
downloading and installing it, like in 1.2.0) is a whole different experience 
and much more complex.



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