
Thanks for your response.  I infer from your response that you can have a 
different analyzer for each field -- I guess I should have figured that out 
--but because I had not thought of that, I concluded that  I needed multiple 
indices (sorry , I am still very new to Solr/Lucene).  

Does such an approach make querying difficult under the following condition: ?

The app that I am replacing (and trying to enhance) has the ability to search 
multiple books at once with sen/par and case sensitivity settings individually 
selectable per book (e.g. default search modes per book).  So with a single 
query request (just the query word(s)), you can search one book by par, with 
case, another by sen w/o case, etc. -- all settable as user defaults.  I need 
to try to figure out how to match that in Solr/Lucene -- I believe that the 
Analyzer approach you suggested requires the use of the same Analzyer at query 
time that was used during indexing.   So if I am hitting multiple fields (in 
the same search request) that invoke different Analyzers -- am I at a dead end, 
and have to result to consequetive multiple queries instead (and sort merge 
results afterwards?)  Or am I just over complicating this?


----- Original Message ----
From: Ryan McKinley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2007 2:18:00 PM
Subject: Re: Redundant indexing * 4 only solution (for par/sen and case 

> So now I have:
> (1) 4X in content indexing
> (2) 2X in actual SOLR/Lucene indices
> (3) I don't know how to practically due multiple indices using SOLR?
> If there is a better way of attacking this problem, I would
 appreciate recommendations!!!

I don't quite follow your current approach, but it sounds like you just
needs some copyFields to index the same content with multiple

for example, say you have fields:

  <field name="content" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
  <field name="content_sentence" type="sentence" indexed="true" 
  <field name="content_paragraph" type="paragraph" indexed="true" 
  <field name="content_text" type="text" indexed="true"

and copy fields:

   <copyField source="content" dest="content_sentence"/>
   <copyField source="content" dest="content_paragraph"/>
   <copyField source="content" dest="content_text"/>

The 4X indexing cost?  If you *need* to index the content 4 different 
ways, you don't have any way around that - do you?  But is it really a 
big deal?  How often does it need to index?  How big is the data?

I'm not quite following your need for multiple solr indicies, but in
it is possible.


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