Thank you so much! I will look into firstSearcher configuration next! thanks

From: "Chris Hostetter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 8:56 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: how to improve concurrent request performance and stress testing

: > Also make sure that common filters, sort fields, and facets have been
: > warmed.
: I assume these are achieved by setting large cache size and large
: autowarmcount number in solr configuration? specifically

autowarming seeds the cahces of a new Searcher using hte keys of an old
searcher -- it does nothing to help you when you first start up SOlr and
all of hte caches are empty.

for that you need to either need to manually trigger some sample queries
externally (before your stress test) or configure something using the
firstSearcher event listener in solrconfig.xml.

If you saw all of your requests block untill the first one finished, then
i suspect your queries involve a sort (or faceting) that use the
FieldCache which is initialized in a single threaded mode (and can't be
auto-warmed, you can put some simple queries that use those sort fields in
the newSearcher listener to ensure that they get reinitialized for each
new searcher)


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