Getting 10,000 records will be slow.

What are you doing with 10,000 records?


On 3/19/08 10:07 PM, "李银松" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I want to get the top 10000-10010  record from two different servers,So Ihave
> to get top10010 scores from each server and merge them to get
the results.
> found the cost time was mostly used in XMLResponseParser while parsing
> the
I wander whether the costtime was used for net transport or
> for Solr to
prepare for transport? Or just something wrong with my server?

> 在08-3-20,Yonik Seeley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写道:
> 2008/3/19 李银松
> > 1、When I set fl=score ,solr returns just as
> fl=*,score ,not just scores
> >  Is it a bug or just do it on purpose?
> On
> purpose... a score alone with no other context doesn't seem useful.
> >  2
> 、I'm using solrj to get about 10000 docs' score in LAN. It costs me
> about
> >  10+ seconds first time(QTime is less than 100ms) , but 1-2 seconds
> second
> >  time with the same querystring. It seems a bit too long for the
> first
> >  time(total size of the doc to transport is about 500k). Is there
> anything i
> >  can do with it?
> What are you trying to do with that many
> scores?
> Search engines are optimized more for retrieving the top n matches
> (where n is ~10 - 100)
> -Yonik

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