On 8/7/2014 1:46 PM, Christopher Gross wrote:
> Solr 4.1, in SolrCloud mode.  3 nodes configured, Running in Tomcat 7 w/
> Java 7.
> I have a few cores set up, let's just call them A, B, C and D.   They have
> some uniquely named xslt files, but they all have a "rss.xsl" file.
> Sometimes, on just 1 of the nodes, if I do a query for something in A and
> translate it with the rss.xsl, it will do the query just fine and give the
> right number of results (solr logged the query and had it going to the
> correct core), but it uses B or C's rss.xsl.  Since the schemas are
> different, the xml is mostly empty.  A refresh will have it go back to
> using the correct rss.xsl.
> Has anyone run into a problem like this?  Is it a problem with the 4.1
> Solr?  Will upgrading fix it?
> Is it a better practice to uniquely name the xslt files for each core
> (having a-rss.xsl, b-rss.xsl, etc)?

I wonder if Solr might have a bug with XSLT caching, where the cache is
global and simply looks at the base filename, not the full path.  If it
works when you use xsl files with different names, then that is the most
likely problem.

If you determine that the bug I mentioned is what's happening, before
filing a bug in Jira, we need to determine whether it's still a problem
in the latest version.  Version 4.1 came out in January 2013.  Upgrading
is definitely advised, if you can do it.


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