I think you is confused with the extension for files created for lucene
index. Those files does not play crucial role in search.
I will suggest you to first setup the solr, index some files, then you
should apply various features like faceting, etc.
Then you also understand the significance of schema.xml and
solrconfig.xml,these files has some great comment that might help.

Then you can look into solr default similarity algorithm.
On Aug 8, 2014 5:30 PM, "abhi Abhishek" <abhi26...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
>     I am fairly new to SOLR, can someone please help me understand how a
> query is processed in SOLR, i.e, what i want to understand is from the time
> it hits solr what files it refers to process the query, i.e, order in which
> .tvx, .tvd files and others are accessed. basically i would like to
> understand the code path of the search functionality also significance of
> various files in the solr directory such as .tvx, .tcd, .frq, etc.
> Regards,
> Abhishek Das

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