2008/4/9, Chris Hostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> : most of time seems to be used for the writer getting and writing the
> docs
> : can those docs prefetched?
> as mentiond, the documentCache can help you out in the common case, but
> 1-4 seconds for just the XMLWriting seems pretty high ...

It really works thanks

1) how are you timing this (ie: what exactly are you measuring)

The QTime it the time used for solr to find the docs
And I got the time from dispatchfilter received the request to
responsewriter write the response
It is much larger than QTime.

2) how many stored fields do each of your documents have? (not how many are
> in your schema.xml, how many do each of your docs really have in them)

7-9 fields
only one of the fields is text, rest of them are short string or int ...

> ...having *lots* of stored fields can slow down retrieval of the Document
> (and Document retrival is delayed untill response writing) so if you have
> thousands thta night account for it.  If you're use case is to only ever
> return the "ID" field, then not storing anything else will help keep your
> total index size smaller and should speed up the response writing.
> -Hoss

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