: 1) how are you timing this (ie: what exactly are you measuring)

: And I got the time from dispatchfilter received the request to
: responsewriter write the response
: It is much larger than QTime.

can you be more specific about what you mean when you say "And I got the 
time from dispatchfilter..." What *exactly* are you looking at (ie: is 
this a time you are seeing in a log file? ifso which log file? ... is this 
timing code you added to the dispatch filter yourself?  what *exactly* are 
you looking at?)

I ask because it's possible there is included network IO overhead in 
communicating with your client (i would be suprised if it was significant 
if you are only returning a single field for the first 50 results, but i 
know nothing about your network setup, or what your client code look ike 
-- so anythign is possible.

: 7-9 fields
: only one of the fields is text, rest of them are short string or int ...

How big is the text field?  Are you talking about a few hundred chars or 
several KB of text per doc?

Is <enableLazyFieldLoading> set to true in your solrconfig.xml?

(I forgot we had that option when i sent my last email, as long 
as you are using the "fl" param with just your uniqueKey field document 
retrieval should be "fast enough" and fairly consistent.


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