We’re reimplementing fuzzy support in edismax on Solr 4.x right now. See: 

Walter Underwood

On Oct 22, 2014, at 11:08 PM, karsten-s...@gmx.de wrote:

> Hi Aleksander,
> The Fuzzy Searche '~' is not supported in dismax (defType=dismax)
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/The+DisMax+Query+Parser
> You are using SearchComponent "spellchecker". This does not change the query 
> results.
> btw: It looks like you are using path "/select" with qt=dismax. This normaly 
> would throw an exception.
> Is there a tag
>   <requestHandler name="/dismax" ...
> inside your solrconfig.xml ? 
> Best regards
>   Karsten
> P.S. in Context: 
> http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/How-to-properly-use-Levenstein-distance-with-in-Java-td4164793.html
>> On 20 October 2014 11:13, Aleksander Sadecki wrote:
>> Ok, thank you for your response. But why I cannot use '~'?

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