I am not sure if this a case of XY problem.

I have no control over the URLs to deduce an id from them , those are from
www, I made the URL the uniqueKey , that way the document gets replaced
when a new document with that URL comes in .

To do the detail look up I can either use the same <docURL> as it is , or
try and generate a unique id filed for each document.

For the later option UUID is not behaving as expected in SolrCloud and
_version_ field seems to be serving the need .

On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 11:35 AM, Shawn Heisey <apa...@elyograg.org> wrote:

> On 11/12/2014 10:45 PM, S.L wrote:
> > We know that _version_field is a mandatory field in solrcloud schema.xml,
> > it is expected to be of type long , it also seems to have unique value
> in a
> > collection.
> >
> > However the query of the form
> >
> http://server1.mydomain.com:7344/solr/collection1/select/?q=*:*&fq=%28_version_:1484632548944380000%29&wt=json
> > does not seems to return any record , can we query on the _version_field
> in
> > the schema.xml ?
> I've been watching your journey unfold on the mailing list.  The whole
> thing seems like an XY problem.
> If I'm reading everything correctly, you want to have a unique ID value
> that can serve as the uniqueKey, as well as a way to quickly look up a
> single document in Solr.
> Is there one part of the URL that serves as a unique identifier that
> doesn't contain special characters?  It seems insane that you would not
> have a unique ID value for every entity in your system that is composed
> of only "regular" characters.
> Assuming that such an ID exists (and is likely used as one piece of that
> doctorURL that you mentioned) ... if you can extract that ID value into
> its own field (either in your indexing code or a custom update
> processor), you could use that for both uniqueKey and single-document
> lookups.  Having that kind of information in your index seems like a
> generally good idea.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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