Hi David,

you might want to look at SIREn 1.4 [1], a plugin for Lucene/Solr, that includes a update handler [2] which mimics elasticsearch index api. You can push JSON documents to the API and it will dynamically flatten and index the JSON documents into a set of fields (similar to Elasticsearch). It also index the full json into a SIREn's field to support nested queries.

[1] http://siren.solutions/siren/downloads/
[2] http://siren.solutions/manual/solr-configuration-update-handler.html

Renaud Delbru

On 11/15/2014 10:05 PM, David Lee wrote:
Hi All,

How do I index complex JSON data in SOLR? For example,

{prices:[{state:"CA", price:"101.0"}, {state:"NJ",
price:"102.0"},{state:"CO", price:"102.0"}]}

It's simple in ElasticSearch, but in SOLR it always reports the following
"Error parsing JSON field value. Unexpected OBJECT_START"


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