Thanks Micheal for the response.

If you use MMapDirectory, Lucene will map the files into memory off heap
and the OS's disk cache will cache the files in memory for you. Don't use
RAMDirectory, it's not better than MMapDirectory for any use I'm aware of.

> Will that mean it will cache the Inverted index as well to OS disk's
cache? The reason I am asking is, Solr searches this Inverted Index first
to get the data. How about if we can keep this in memory?


On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 10:54 PM, Michael Della Bitta <> wrote:

> Hi, Manohar,
>  1. Does posting-list and term-list of the index reside in the memory? If
> not, how to load this to memory. I don't want to load entire data, like
> using DocumentCache. Either I want to use RAMDirectoryFactory as the data
> will be lost if you restart
> If you use MMapDirectory, Lucene will map the files into memory off heap
> and the OS's disk cache will cache the files in memory for you. Don't use
> RAMDirectory, it's not better than MMapDirectory for any use I'm aware of.
> > 2. For FilterCache, there is a way to specify whether the filter should
> be cached or not in the query.
> If you add {!cache=false}  to your filter query, it will bypass the cache.
> I'm fairly certain it will not subsequently be cached.
> > Similarly, Is there a way where I can specify the list of stored fields
> to be loaded to Document Cache?
> If you have lazy loading enabled, the DocumentCache will only have the
> fields you asked for in it.
> > 3. Similarly, Is there a way I can specify list of fields to be cached
> for FieldCache? Thanks, Manohar
> You basically don't have much control over the FieldCache in Solr other
> than warming it with queries.
> You should check out this wiki page, it will probably answer some
> questions:
> I hope that helps!
> Michael

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