Manohar Sripada [] wrote:
> I have 100 million documents in my index. The maxDoc here is the maximum
> Documents in each shard, right? How is it determined that each entry will
> occupy maxDoc/8 approximately.

Assuming that it is random whether a document is part of the result set or not, 
the most efficient representation is 1 bit/doc (this is often called a bitmap 
or bitset). So the total number of bits will be maxDoc, which is the same as 
maxDoc/8 bytes.

Of course, result sets are rarely random, so it is possible to have other and 
more compact representations. I do not know how that plays out in Lucene. 
Hopefully somebody else can help here.

> If I have to add facet.method=enum every time in the query, how should I
> specify for each field separately?



- Toke Eskildsen

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