Your description uses the terms Solr/Lucene uses but perhaps not in
the same way we do. That might explain the confusion.

It sounds - on a high level - that you want to create a field based on
a combination of a couple of other fields during indexing stage. Have
you tried UpdateRequestProcessors? They have access to the full
document when it is sent and can do whatever they want with it.

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On 11 January 2015 at 10:55, Ali Nazemian <> wrote:
> Dear Jack,
> Hi,
> I think you misunderstood my need. I dont want to change the default
> scoring behavior of Lucene (tf-idf) I just want to have another field to do
> sorting for some specific queries (not all the search business), however I
> am aware of Lucene payload.
> Thank you very much.
> On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 7:15 PM, Jack Krupansky <>
> wrote:
>> You would do that with a custom similarity (scoring) class. That's an
>> expert feature. In fact a SUPER-expert feature.
>> Start by completely familiarizing yourself with how TF*IDF  similarity
>> already works:
>> And to use your custom similarity class in Solr:
>> -- Jack Krupansky
>> On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 9:04 AM, Ali Nazemian <>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi everybody,
>> >
>> > I am going to add some analysis to Solr at the index time. Here is what I
>> > am considering in my mind:
>> > Suppose I have two different fields for Solr schema, field "a" and field
>> > "b". I am going to use the created reverse index in a way that some terms
>> > are considered as important ones and tell lucene to calculate a value
>> based
>> > on these terms frequency per each document. For example let the word
>> > "hello" considered as important word with the weight of "2.0". Suppose
>> the
>> > term frequency for this word at field "a" is 3 and at field "b" is 6 for
>> > document 1. Therefor the score value would be 2*3+(2*6)^2. I want to
>> > calculate this score based on these fields and put it in the index for
>> > retrieving. My question would be how can I do such thing? First I did
>> > consider using term component for calculating this value from outside and
>> > put it back to Solr index, but it seems it is not efficient enough.
>> >
>> > Thank you very much.
>> > Best regards.
>> >
>> > --
>> > A.Nazemian
>> >
> --
> A.Nazemian

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