: We are trying to do a POC for searching our log files with a single node 
Solr(396 GB RAM with 14 TB Space).
: Since the server is powerful, added 2 Billion records successfully & search 
is working fine without much issues.

how much CPU?

Assuming it's comparable to the amount of RAM you've got on that machine, 
you shouldn't have any problems running many nodes of a SolrCloud cluster 
all on that one machine -- either with diff ports, or via identical 
virtual machines.

:       Is there a way to increase that limit from 2Billion to 4 or 5 Billion 
in Lucene?

As a user, or novice developer: no.  a long ways down the road as a major 
undertaking to revamp the internals of lucene: maybe.

:       If Lucene supports 2Billion per index then will it be the same issue 
with Solr Cloud also??

No.  the limitation is at the "lucene index" level -- when you use 
SolrCloud, you have a *logical* "collection" of documents that can be made 
up of many "shards" -- each shard is implemented as a single 
*physical* lucene index, but the collection as a whole can contain many 
more documents because it can be made up of many shards.


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