On 2/20/2015 2:57 PM, SolrUser1543 wrote:
> That's the reason that I want to run on predefined list of IDs. 
> In this case I will able to restart from any point and to know about filed
> IDs. 

You can include information on a URL parameter and then use that URL
parameter inside your dih config.  If the URL parameter is "idlist" then
you can use ${dih.request.idlist} in your SELECT statement.

Be aware that most servlet containers have a default header length limit
of about 8192 characters, affecting the length of the URL that can be
sent successfully.  If the list of IDs is going to get huge, you will
either need to switch from a GET to a POST request where the parameter
is in the post body, or increase the header length limit in the servlet
container that is running Solr.


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