Hi Nitin,

I think that token filter factory has nothing to do with 
collations in spellchecker domain. Single term from different domains causing 

solr.CollationKeyFilterFactory targets mainly for locale sensitive sorting.
For example, I used below type to fix sorting problem of Turkish strings.

<fieldType name="collatedTURKISH" class="solr.CollationField" language="tr"/>



On Monday, February 23, 2015 6:18 PM, Nitin Solanki <nitinml...@gmail.com> 
Hi Ahmet,
                 language="" means that  it is used for any language -
"simply define the language as the empty string for most languages"

*Intention:* I am working on spell/question correction. Just like google, I
want to do same as "did you mean".

Using spellchecker, I got suggestions and collations both. But collations
are not coming as I expected. Reason is that
"spellcheck.maxCollationTries", If I set the value
"spellcheck.maxCollationTries=10 then it gives nearby 10 results.
Sometimes, expected collation doesn't come inside 10 collations. So, I
increased the value to 16000 and results come but it takes around 15 sec.
on 49GB indexed data. It is worst case. So, somewhere in Solr, I found
*unicodeCollation* and it says that build collations fast.
Is it fast? Or Am I doing something wrong in collations?

On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 9:12 PM, Ahmet Arslan <iori...@yahoo.com.invalid>

> Hi Nitin,
> How can you pass empty value to the language attribute?
> Is this intentional?
> What is your intention to use that filter with suggestion functionality?
> Ahmet
> On Monday, February 23, 2015 5:03 PM, Nitin Solanki <nitinml...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi,
>       I have integrate CollationKeyFilterFactory in schema.xml and re-index
> the data again.
> *<filter class="solr.CollationKeyFilterFactory" language=""
> strength="primary"/>*
> I need to use this becuase I want to build collations fast.
> Referred link: http://wiki.apache.org/solr/UnicodeCollation
> But it stops both suggestions and  collations. *Why?*
> I have also test *CollationKeyFilterFactory *into solr admin inside
> analysis. Inside that, CKF show some chinese language output.
> *Please any help?*

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