
I'm an user / fan of Luke, so deeply appreciate your work.

I've carefully read the readme, noticed the (one of) project's goal:
"To port the thinlet UI to an ASL compliant license framework so that it
can be contributed back to Apache Lucene. Current work is done with GWT

There has been GWT based, ASL compliant Luke supporting the latest Lucene ?

I've recently got in with LUCENE-2562. Currently, Apache Pivot based port
is going. But I do not know so much about Luke's long (and may be slightly
complex) history, so I would grateful if anybody clear the association of
the Luke project (now on Github) and the Jira issue. Or, they can be
independent of each other.
I don't have any opinions, just want to understand current status and avoid
duplicate works.

Apologize for a bit annoying post.

Many thanks,

2015-02-24 0:00 GMT+09:00 Dmitry Kan <solrexp...@gmail.com>:

> Hello,
> Luke 4.10.3 has been released. Download it here:
> https://github.com/DmitryKey/luke/releases/tag/luke-4.10.3
> The release has been tested against the solr-4.10.3 based index.
> Issues fixed in this release: #13
> <https://github.com/DmitryKey/luke/pull/13>
> Apache License 2.0 abbreviation changed from ASL 2.0 to ALv2
> Thanks to respective contributors!
> P.S. waiting for lucene 5.0 artifacts to hit public maven repositories for
> the next major release of luke.
> --
> Dmitry Kan
> Luke Toolbox: http://github.com/DmitryKey/luke
> Blog: http://dmitrykan.blogspot.com
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/dmitrykan
> SemanticAnalyzer: www.semanticanalyzer.info

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