I am currently using 4.10.3 running Solr Cloud.

I have configured my index analyzer to leverage the
solr.ReversedWildcardFilterFactory with various settings for the
maxFractionAsterisk, maxPosAsterisk,etc. Currently I am running with the
defaults (ie not configured)

Using the Analysis capability in the Solr admin I see the "Field Value
(Index)" fields going in correctly, both normal order and reversed order.
However, on the "Field Value (Query)" side it is not generating a token
that is reversed as expected (no matter where I place the * in the leading
position of the search term). I also confirmed through the Query capability
with debugQuery turned on that the parsed query is not reversed as expected.

>From my current understanding you do not need to have anything configured
on the index analyzer to make leading wildcards work as expected with the
reversedwildcardfilterfactory. The default query parser will know to look
at the index analyzer and leverage the ReversedWildcardFilterFactory
configuration if the term contains a leading wildcard. (This is what I have

Without uploading my entire configuration to this email I was hoping
someone could point me in the right direction because I am at a loss at
this point.


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