Thanks Erick.

So for the other audience who got stuck in same situation. Here is the

If you are able to run the remote/local zookeeper ensemble, then you can
create the Solr Cluster by the following method.

Suppose you have an zookeeper ensemble of 3 zookeeper server running on
three different machines which has the IP addresses as :,, and these machines are using the zookeeper
client port as 2181 for every machine (as mentioned in zoo.cfg) and in my
case I am using the solr-5.0.0 version

Now go to the bin directory of your extracted solr tar/zip file and run
this command for each solr server of your SolrCloud cluster.

./solr start -c -z,, -p 4567

-p -> for specifying the another port number other than 8983 in my case it
is 4567
-c -> to start server in cloud mode
-z -> to specifying the zookeeper host address

With Regards
Aman Tandon

On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 5:18 AM, Erick Erickson <>

> Have you seen this page?:
> This is really "the new way"....
> Best,
> Erick
> On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 7:18 AM, Aman Tandon <>
> wrote:
> > Thanks Shawn, also thanks for sharing info about chroot.
> >
> > I am trying to implement the solr cloud with solr-5.0.0.
> >
> > I also checked the documentations
> ,
> > the method shown there is using start.jar. But after few update start.jar
> > (jetty) will not work. So I want to go through the way which will work as
> > it is even after upgrade.
> >
> > So how could i start it from bin directory with all these parameters of
> > external zookeeper or any other best way which you can suggest.
> >
> > With Regards
> > Aman Tandon
> >
> > On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 8:09 PM, Shawn Heisey <>
> wrote:
> >
> >> On 3/3/2015 4:21 AM, Aman Tandon wrote:
> >> > I am new to solr-cloud, i have connected the zookeepers located on 3
> >> remote
> >> > servers. All the configs are uploaded and linked successfully.
> >> >
> >> > Now i am stuck to how to start solr in cloud mode using these external
> >> > zookeeper which are remotely located.
> >> >
> >> > Zookeeper is installed at 3 servers and using the 2181 as client
> port. ON
> >> > all three server, solr server along with external zookeeper is
> present.
> >> >
> >> > (solr + zookeper is present)
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Now i have to start the solr by telling the solr to use the external
> >> > zookeeper. So how should I do that.
> >>
> >> You simply tell Solr about all your zookeeper servers on startup, using
> >> the zkHost property.  Here's the format of that property:
> >>
> >> server1:port,server2:port,server3:port/solr1
> >>
> >> The /solr1 part (the ZK chroot) is optional, but I recommend it ... it
> >> can be just about any text you like, starting with a forward slash.
> >> What this does is put all of SolrCloud's information inside a path in
> >> zookeeper, sort of like a filesystem.  With no chroot, that information
> >> is placed at the "root" of zookeeper.  If you want to use a zookeeper
> >> ensemble for multiple applications, you're going to need a chroot.  Even
> >> when multiple applications are not required, I recommend it to keep the
> >> zookeeper root clean.
> >>
> >> You can see some examples of zkHost values in the javadoc for SolrJ:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Shawn
> >>
> >>

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