Force a fetchindex on slave from master command: 
http://slave_host:port/solr/replication?command=fetchindex - from

The above command will download the whole index from master to slave, there are 
configuration options in solr to make this problem happen less often (allowing 
it to recover from new documents added and only send the changes with a wider 
gap) - but I cant remember what those were.

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Butkus [] 
Sent: 05 March 2015 14:42
To: <>
Subject: Re: Solrcloud Index corruption

We had a similar issue, when this happened we did a fetch index on each core 
out of sync to put them back right again 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 5 Mar 2015, at 14:40, Martin de Vries <> wrote:
> Hi,
> We have index corruption on some cores on our Solrcloud running version 
> 4.8.1. The index is corrupt on several servers. (for example: when we do an 
> fq search we get results on some servers, on other servers we don't, while 
> the stored document contains the field on all servers).
> A full re-index of the content didn't help, so we created a new core and did 
> the reindex on that one.
> We think the index corruption is caused by network issues we had a few weeks 
> ago. I hope someone can help us with some questions:
> - Is it possible to make Solrcloud invulnerable for network problems like 
> packet loss or connection errors? Will it for example help to use an SSL 
> connection between the Solr servers?
> - Is it possible to see if a core is corrupt? We now noticed because we 
> didn't find some documents while searching on the website, but don't know if 
> other cores are corrupt. I noticed a difference in the "Gen" column on 
> Overview - Replication. Does this mean there is something wrong? Or is there 
> any other way to see the corruption?
> Corrupt core:
>            Version        Gen    Size
> Master (Searching)    1425565575249    2023309    472.41 MB
> Master (Replicable)    1425566098510    2023310    -
> Slave (Searching)    1425565575253    2023308    472.38 MB
> Re-created core:
>            Version        Gen    Size
> Master (Searching)    1425566108174    35    283.98 MB
> Master (Replicable)    1425566108174    35    -
> Slave (Searching)    1425566106674    35    288.24 MB
> Kind regards,
> Martin

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