On 3/5/2015 3:13 PM, Martin de Vries wrote:
> I understand there is not a "master" in SolrCloud. In our case we use
> haproxy as a load balancer for every request. So when indexing every
> document will be sent to a different solr server, immediately after
> each other. Maybe SolrCloud is not able to handle that correctly?

SolrCloud can handle that correctly, but currently sending index updates
to a core that is not the leader of the shard will incur a significant
performance hit, compared to always sending updates to the correct
core.  A small performance penalty would be understandable, because the
request must be redirected, but what actually happens is a much larger
penalty than anyone expected.  We have an issue in Jira to investigate
that performance issue and make it work as efficiently as possible.

Indexing batches of documents is recommended, not sending one document
per update request.

General performance problems with Solr itself can lead to extremely odd
and unpredictable behavior from SolrCloud.  Most often these kinds of
performance problems are related in some way to memory, either the java
heap or available memory in the system.



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