On 3/25/2015 9:26 AM, Matt Kuiper wrote:
> I am familiar with the JMX points that Solr exposes to allow for monitoring 
> of statistics like QPS, numdocs, Average Query Time...
> I am wondering if there is a way to configure Solr to automatically store the 
> value of these stats over time (for a given time interval), and then allow a 
> user to query a stat over a time range.  So for the QPS stat,  the query 
> might return a set that includes the QPS value for each hour in the time 
> range specified.

I am reasonably sure that JMX does not have this ability built in, and
Solr does not keep track of each stat over time.

Some of the statistics, in particular the average and percentile
statistics for QTime on a request handler, are relevant across the
entire history of the handler -- so they are valid until the core is
reloaded or Solr restarts.


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