Check that your config has a valid path to the velocity contrib. You
should see something like

<lib dir="${solr.install.dir:../../..}/contrib/velocity/lib" regex=".*\.jar" />

(from Solr 4.10). and you should also see the indicated file on each
of your Solr nodes.

What's the full stack BTW? I'm expecting something like a class not
found error somewhere
down in the stack.


On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 3:21 AM, Vijaya Narayana Reddy Bhoomi Reddy
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have setup a SolrCloud on 3 machines - machine1, machine2 and machine3.
> The DirectoryFactory used is HDFS where the collection index data is stored
> in HDFS within a Hadoop cluster.
> SlorCloud has been setup successfully and everything looks fine so far. I
> have uploaded the default configuration i.e. the conf folder under
> example/collection1 folder under the solr installation directory into
> Zookeeper. Essentially, I have uploaded the default configuration into
> Zookeeper.
> Now when I log in to Solr Admin using http://machine1:8983/solr/admin, I am
> able to see the SolrAdmin page and when I click on Cloud, I could see all
> the shards and replications properly in the browser.
> However, the issue comes when I try to open the page
> http://machine1:8983/solr/mycollection/browse. I am seeing a HTTP 500 lazy
> loading error. This looks like a trivial mistake somewhere as the
> collection is setup fine and everything works normal. However, when I
> browse the collection, this error occurs. Even when I open
> http://machine1:8983/solr/mycollection/query I am getting the json response
> properly with numFound as 0
> I was expecting similar behavior like how the /browse request provides the
> Solritas page.
> Note: I haven't changed any of the configuration in the conf directory.
> Should I modify solrconfig.xml to have a RequestHandler for
> /mycollection/browse or the default one be sufficient?
> Can someone provide some pointers please to get this issue resolved?
> Thanks & Regards
> Vijay
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