We are trying to use fq parameter to limit our result set.  We specify
the fq in the solrconfig.xml file within a DisMax <requestHandler>


  <requestHandler name="/dismax1" class="solr.DisMaxRequestHandler" >


    <lst name="appends">

      <str name="fq">storeAvailableDate:[* TO NOW]</str>

      <str name="fq">storeExpirationDate:[NOW TO *]</str>




This works perfectly.  Only trouble is that the two data fields may
actually be empty, in which case this filters out such records and we
want to include them.  


I've been unable to figure out how to do this.  We've tried:


    <lst name="appends">

      <str name="fq">storeAvailableDate:[* TO NOW] OR -
storeAvailableDate:[* TO *] </str>

      <str name="fq">storeExpirationDate:[NOW TO *] OR -
storeExpirationDate:[* TO *]</str>



Which is what I'd imagine should work based on
http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrQuerySyntax and
http://lucene.apache.org/java/docs/queryparsersyntax.html but no dice.
Is the "OR" even allowed in this place?


And also, as a long shot:

<lst name="appends">

   <str name="fq">storeAvailableDate([* TO NOW] OR -[* TO *])</str>

   <str name="fq">storeExpirationDate:([NOW TO *] OR -[* TO *])</str>


And, no surprise, that didn't work.  But I don't understand why the
first thing we tried didn't work.


Any help?




Ezra E.

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