Thank you very much for such a detailed reply. can you please tell me how
can i interact with solr from within my Java/JSP application ? I mean how to
query the solr running at localhost and getting results back in the
application. Do i have to change something there in solrconfig.xml ? Please
help me in this regards

Thanks in advance


On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 4:11 PM, Grant Ingersoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Stopwords are commonly occurring words that don't add _much_ value to
> search, such as the, an, a and are usually removed during analysis.
> Protwords (protected words) are words that would be stemmed by the English
> porter stemmer that you do not want to be stemmed.
> In the end, removing stopwords may keep your index smaller and can keep
> some queries from taking a long time, but they also mean you can't query for
> those words.  As for protwords, that is something you would do if you felt
> the results for those tokens was "off".
> Many people use stopwords, many don't.   Personally, I don't think removing
> them is the right thing to do, as there isn't always a way to recover them
> and they do provide meaning, otherwise why would they be needed in the
> language?  Often, the best thing to do, is keep stopwords, but handle them
> intelligently on the query side (in phrases, etc.).  However, since you're a
> beginner, it probably makes sense to just throw out stopwords for now.
> -Grant
> On May 21, 2008, at 1:50 AM, Akeel wrote:
>  Hi,
>> I am a beginner to Solr, I have successfully indexed my db in solr. I want
>> to know that what are the stopwords and protwords ??? and how much they
>> have
>> effect on my search results ?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> --
>> Akeel

Thanks and Regards,
Akeel ur Rehman Faridee
cell: 0321-4714151
When there is injustice in society, then everyone will go to politics
Except the two kinds: those who are timid and those who are materialist

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