: Thats true, but that's not the problem. The problem is that you can't call
: qt=spellchecker if you redefine /select in solrconfig.xml. I was wondering
: how I could add qt functionality back.

If you override "/select" to bind it to a specific handler, then you lose 
the abiliy to pick a handler using "qt" ... instead you can just map the 
SpellCheckHandler to a path (ie: name="/spellchecker" instead of 

: >> Which is obviously missing the suggestions field. The reason for that is
: >> likely that I overrode the default definition of /select. My /select is
: >> defined in the following way:
: >> The reason I am doing this, is that I want to replace the query component
: >> with the collapse component.

it sounds like you are looking for a *component* to do spellchecking ... 
one does not exist yet (but there is an open issue where people are 
working on it ... check Jira for a patch).


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