Nothing's really changed in that area lately. Your co-worker is
perhaps confusing the statement that "Solr has no a-priori limit on
the number of distinct fields that can be in a corpus" with supporting
an infinite number of fields. Not having a built-in limit is much
different than supporting....

Whether Solr breaks with thousands and thousands of fields is pretty
dependent on what you _do_ with those fields. Simply doing keyword
searches isn't going to put the same memory pressure on as, say,
faceting on them all (even if in different queries).

I'd really ask why so many fields are necessary though.


On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 6:18 AM, xavi jmlucjav <> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> someone I work with has been advised that currently Solr can support
> 'infinite' number of fields.
> I thought there was a practical limitation of say thousands of fields (for
> sure less than a million), or    things can start to break (I think I
> remember seeings memory issues reported on the mailing list by several
> people).
> Was there any change I missed lately that makes having say 1M fields in
> Solr practical??
> thanks

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