Why don't we change the bin/run -d to have Common Daemons? This would be a
great enhancement to SOLR 5.x.

We would switch to this if it was integrated. We currently use RunIt. But
love Common Daemons.


On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 3:52 AM, Guillaume Belrose <
guillaume.belr...@quantel.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've successfully used procrun (see
> http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-daemon/procrun.html) to wrap
> Solr 5.1 solr.cmd script as a Windows service (I’ve only tested on Windows
> 2008 R2). Previously, I was using Procrun to manage Jetty services running
> the Solr.war from older versions but with a bit a tweaking, I was able to
> wrap the new Solr 5.1.0 scripts.
> I roughly did the following:
> -download and unzip the Solr 5.1.0 distribution to a local folder (i.e.
> c:\opt )
> -download and unzip the Apache Commons Daemon .zip file (from
> http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-daemon/download_daemon.cgi) in
> my solr local folder (i.e. c:\opt\solr-5.1.0)
> -run the batch file [1].
> All of this was done through Ansible Playbooks which is the tool I use for
> configuration management on Windows and Linux.
> Cheers,
> Guillaume.
> [1]
> @echo off
> set SERVICE_NAME=solr
> set SERVICE_HOME=c:\opt\solr-5.1.0
> set PR_INSTALL=%SERVICE_HOME%\amd64\prunsrv.exe
> @REM Service Log Configuration
> set PR_STDOUTPUT=auto
> set PR_STDERROR=auto
> set PR_LOGLEVEL=Debug
> set PR_STARTUP=auto
> set PR_STARTMODE=exe
> set PR_STARTIMAGE=%SERVICE_HOME%\bin\solr.cmd
> set PR_STARTPARAMS=start
> @REM Shutdown Configuration
> set PR_STOPMODE=exe
> set PR_STOPIMAGE=%SERVICE_HOME%\bin\solr.cmd
> set PR_STOPPARAMS=stop -p 8983
>   --Description="Solr-5.1.0" ^
>   --DisplayName="%SERVICE_NAME%" ^
>   --Install="%PR_INSTALL%" ^
>   --Startup="%PR_STARTUP%" ^
>   --LogPath="%PR_LOGPATH%" ^
>   --LogPrefix="%PR_LOGPREFIX%" ^
>   --LogLevel="%PR_LOGLEVEL%" ^
>   --StdOutput="%PR_STDOUTPUT%" ^
>   --StdError="%PR_STDERROR%" ^
>   --StartMode="%PR_STARTMODE%" ^
>   --StartImage="%PR_STARTIMAGE%" ^
>   --StartParams="%PR_STARTPARAMS%" ^
>   --StopMode="%PR_STOPMODE%" ^
>   --StopImage="%PR_STOPIMAGE%" ^
>   --StopParams="%PR_STOPPARAMS%"
> if not errorlevel 1 goto installed
> echo Failed to install "%SERVICE_NAME%" service.  Refer to log in
> exit /B 1
> :installed
> echo The Service "%SERVICE_NAME%" has been installed
> exit /B 0
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Bill Bell
cell 720-256-8076

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