On Tue, Jun 9, 2015, at 05:27 PM, Chris Hostetter wrote:
> : I'm using Solr 4.10.0.I'm trying to figure out how to use the TZ 
> : param.I've noticed that i have to use date math in order for this to 
> : work,also I've got to use rounding when I query Solr in order to use
> the 
> : TZ param.
> I'm having trouble understanding your question.  The TZ param, as 
> documented, only affects what TimeZone is used for the purpose of
> rounding 
> dates -- so of course, if you aren't using rounding then the TZ param
> does 
> nothing.  And since rounding is a form of date math, then yes it's also 
> true you must use date math for TZ to have any meaning.
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Working+with+Dates
> : The issue is that when i query I'd like to get recent hours for my 
> : search, something like the query for last 1 hour.  The Date Math 
> : supports it but the TZ works only if my rounding is DAY or more, and i 
> : need MINUTE rounding for my query.
> TZ affects what timezone is used when defining the concept of a "day" for 
> the purposes of rounding by day -- if you used a TimeZone like 
> TZ=Asia/Tehran you'll see the correct rounding even though that timezone 
> is +04:30 relative to UTC.
> : I wanted to know is it possible to use TZ feature when I'm using MINUTE
> rounding?
> : 
> : My query looks like this:
> : q=*:*fq=realDate:[NOW/MINUTE-3HOURS TO
> NOW/MINUTE-1MINUTES]&rows=20&NOW=1433777301000&facet.range=realDate&facet=true&facet.range.start=NOW/MINUTE-3HOURS&facet.range.end=NOW/MINUTE-1MINUTES&facet.range.gap=%2B10MINUTE&TZ=GMT
> : <field name="realDate" type="tdate" indexed="true" stored="true"
> required="false" multiValued="false" />
> You've given an example of a query you are currently using -- but you 
> haven't given us any of hte other info we really need ot try and 
> understand your question (ie: what do some of the documents you've
> indexed 
> look like? what results do you get from your query? what do you see in 
> those results that isn't matching your goal? what documents are matched
> by 
> your query (or by a facet) that you don't want to be matched? what 
> documents aren't matched that you want to be matched?
> The best thing to do would be if you could just describe for us in words 
> what you want, and give a specific example -- such as "If it's 4:37PM in 
> my local timezone Foo/Bar, i want to send a query to Solr and have it 
> return results based on teh time range X to Y with facets like ...."


So, are you saying that you are expected to store UTC dates in your
index, but if you happen to know that a user is in a different timezone,
you can round those dates for them according to their timezone instead
of UTC?

That's how I'd interpret it, but useful to confirm.



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