On Mon, Jul 13, 2015, at 03:09 PM, Phansalkar, Ajeet wrote:
> Hi,
> If I want to add facet on multiple fields I am typically adding multiple
> facet.fields as part of the query.
> &facet=true & facet.field=<field1> & facet.field=<field2>
> Is there another way to do this instead of using the facet.field multiple
> time but using only say &facet.field=<field1>,<field2>.
> I am running into issue integrating it with our esb layer because of the
> & field.

It is a common pattern within Solr to use multiple request parameters
with the same name. 

You may be able to get around it, if you are using the latest Solr,
using the JSON facet or the JSON query API, which encapsulate similar
functionality in a JSON snippet.


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