Very new to SOLR and haven't been able to find an answer to this issue:

Using SOLR 5.1.0 we have a successful FileListEntityProcessor setup but would like to exclude several directories that live below the baseDir.

The data-config.xml file looks like:

    <dataSource name="abc" type="BinFileDataSource" />
<entity name="f" processor="FileListEntityProcessor" baseDir="/abc/def/" recursive="true" rootEntity="false" >
        <field column="fileAbsolutePath" name="filename" />
        <field column="file" name="title" />
<entity name="page" dataSource="abc" processor="TikaEntityProcessor" url="${f.fileAbsolutePath}" format="text" onError="skip" >
            <filed column="text" name="filedata" />

So we'd like to index /abc/def/123 and /abc/def/456 but not index /abc/def/789 and /abc/def/xyz etc.

We can currently index all the files under /abc/def. That works fine but I can't figure out how to exclude entire subdirectories that have the same file types in them as the directories that we do want to index.

Any help  would be appreciated.


Joe Fidanza
609 279 6211
Systems Administrator
Center for Communications Research
805 Bunn Drive
Princeton, NJ 08540

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