SolrDispatchFilter holds CoreContainer cores, perhaps you can extend the
filter to manage it to publish cores into jndi, where core can be found in
other application, and is used for instantiating EmbeddedSolrServer.

On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 9:50 PM, Darin Amos <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have an application server that is running both the solr.war and a REST
> API war within the same JVM. Is it possible to query the SOLR instance
> natively (non-blocking) without connecting over HTTP? I could use
> EmbeddedSolrServer but I cannot create a second instance of my core.
> If I can get a reference to my existing core instance and wrap it with new
> EmbeddedSolrServer(SolrCore), is this reasonable? However, I cannot see how
> to get a reference to an existing core in a supported way.
> Thanks
> Darin

Sincerely yours
Mikhail Khludnev
Principal Engineer,
Grid Dynamics


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