On 7/27/2015 1:37 PM, Bade, Vidya (Sagar) wrote:
> I am currently using Solr 4.10.2 and having issues with Delta-imports. For 
> some reason delta seems to be inconsistent when using query caching. I am 
> using SqlEntityProcessor. To overcome the issue I want to try having two root 
> entities - one each for full and delta. Can someone help with a sample 
> format. 

There's no information here about what kind of issues you're having. 
What you *have* included makes me think this might be an XY problem.


I cannot imagine any situation where Solr's query caching could have any
impact on the dataimport handler.  That doesn't mean it's not possible,
but it doesn't make any sense, based on what I know about these two

Please tell us exactly what the problem is and include as much detail as
you can.  Logfiles and error messages are particularly helpful to have. 
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to find another way to share any files.  Short information can be simply
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