On 8/8/2015 8:38 AM, Francisco Andrade wrote:
> Yesterday I had an issue where I needed to update the collection leader on
> the clusterstate.json editing the file in exhibitor.
> If i access the console through other nodes the leader showing is the right
> one.
> But it seems to me that the updated clusterstate.json was not sent properly
> to this specific node.
> Any suggestions on how to fix it?

First, what version of Solr are you running?  Do you have the same
version on all nodes?

I am not familiar enough with the code to try and debug what the log
messages mean, I will just speak in general terms.

Unless it's the only way to fix a situation that has arisen because of
extraordinary circumstances, it's a bad idea to manually edit what's in
the zookeeper database, and even then, it's a good idea to restart Solr
to be sure it notices the change.

On the topic of your specific edit, if you want to be able to control
which node is the leader, upgrade to the latest Solr version and use the
new preferred leader capability.  I believe it was added in 5.0.


Something I would try at this point is shutting down and restarting each
Solr instance in your cluster, to be absolutely sure their internal
state agrees with zookeeper.  Restarting Solr instances will shuffle
your leaders around, and you may not end up with the leader assignments
you want.  The preferred leader feature is a much better way to handle this.


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