When using result grouping, Solr specs state the following about the "rows"
and "group.limit" params:
rows - The number of groups to return.
group.limit -  Number of rows to return in each group.

We are using Solr cloud with a single collection and 64 shards.
When grouping by field (i.e. using the group.field parameter), the behavior
is as expected.
However, when grouping by query (using group.query), the number of
documents inside each group is affected by the rows param, instead of the
group.limit param.
This is different than what is mentioned in the specs.

Moreover, when switching to a non-sharded environment (64 collections, 1
shard per collection), the behavior is different, and the number of docs
inside each group is affected by the group.query param, as expected.

Is this a known issue?
We couldn't find a relevant JIRA ticket.


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