Are you suggesting that requests come into a service layer that identifies
which client is on which solrcloud and passes the request to that cloud?

Thank you

On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 1:13 PM, Toke Eskildsen <>

> Troy Edwards <> wrote:
> > My average document size is 400 bytes
> > Number of documents that need to be inserted 250000/second
> > (for a total of about 3.6 Billion documents)
> > Any ideas/suggestions on how that can be done? (use a client
> > or uploadcsv or stream or data import handler)
> Use more than one cloud. Make them fully independent. As I suggested when
> you asked 4 days ago. That would also make it easy to scale: Just measure
> how much a single setup can take and do the math.
> - Toke Eskildsen

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