On 8/31/2015 7:23 AM, Maulin Rathod wrote:
> We are using solrcloud 5.2 with 1 shard (in UK Data Center) and 1 replica
> (in Australia Data Center). We observed that data inserted/updated in shard
> (UK Data center) is replicated very slowly to Replica in AUSTRALIA Data
> Center (Due to high latency between UK and AUSTRALIA). We are looking to
> improve the speed of data replication from shard to replica. Can we use
> some sort of compression before sending data to replica? Please let me know
> if any other alternative is available to improve data replication speed
> from shard to replica?

SolrCloud replicates data differently than many people expect,
especially if they are familiar with how replication worked prior to
SolrCloud's introduction in Solr 4.0.  The original document is sent to
all replicas and each one indexes it independently.  This is HTTP
traffic, containing the document data after the initial update
processors are finished with it.

TCP connections across international lines, and oceans in particular,
are slow, because of the high latency.  The physical distance covered by
the speed of light is one problem, but international links usually
involve a number of additional routers, which also slows it down.  My
employer has been dealing with this problem for years when copying files
from one location to another.  One of the things available to help with
this problem is modern TCP stacks that scale the TCP window effectively,
so fewer acknowledgements are required.

If you are running Solr on Linux machines that are running any recent
kernel version (2.6 definitely qualifies, but I think 2.4 does as well),
and you haven't turned on SYN cookies or explicitly disabled the
scaling, you should be automatically scaling your TCP window.  If you
are on Windows Server 2008 or Windows 7 (or versions later than these)
and haven't poked around in the TCP tuning options, then you would also
be OK.  If either end of the communication is Windows XP, Server 2003,
or an older version of Windows, you're out of luck and will need to
upgrade the operating system.

The requests involved in SolrCloud indexing may be too short-lived to
benefit much from scaling, though.  Window scaling typically only helps
when the TCP connection lives for more than a few seconds, like an FTP
data transfer.  Each individual inter-server indexing request is likely
only transmitting 10 documents.

Even when TCP window scaling is present, if there is *ANY* packet loss
anywhere in a high-latency path, transfer speed will drop dramatically. 
In the lab, I built a simulated setup emulating our connection to our UK
office.  Even with 130 milliseconds of round-trip latency added by the
Linux router impersonating the Internet, transfer speeds of photo-sized
files on a modern TCP stack were good ... until I also introduced packet
loss.  Transfer speeds were BADLY affected by even one tenth of one
percent packet loss, which is the lowest amount I tested.

SolrCloud is highly optimized for the way it is usually installed -- on
multiple machines connected together with one or more LAN switches. 
This is why it uses lots of little connections.  The new cross-data
center replication (CDCR) feature is an attempt to better utilize
high-latency WAN links.

In Solr 5.x, the web server is more firmly under the control of the Solr
development team, so compression and other improvements may be possible,
but latency is the major problem here, not a lack of features.  I'm not
sure whether the number of documents per update (currently defaulting to
10) is configurable, but with a modern TCP stack, increasing that number
could make the transfer more efficient, assuming the communication link
is clean.


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