That's curious. Have a look at both the parsed query, and the explains
output for a very simple (even *:*) query. You should see the boost
present there and be able to see whether it is applied once or twice.


On Thu, Sep 10, 2015, at 06:16 AM, Aman Tandon wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to ask that when i am looking for the all the parameters of the
> query using the *echoParams=ALL*, I am getting the boost parameter twice
> in
> the information printed on the browser screen.
> So does it mean that it is also applying twice on the data/result set and
> we are using the ?
> *<lst name="responseHeader">*
> *  <int name="status">0</int>*
> *  <int name="QTime">66</int>*
> *  <lst name="params">*
> *    <arr name="boost">*
> *      <str>map(query({!dismax qf=mcatid v=$mc1 pf=""}),0,0,1,2.0)</str>*
> *      <str>map(eff_views,1,2,1.15,1)</str>*
> *      <str>map(query({!dismax qf=titlex v=$ql1 pf=""}),0,0,1,1.5)</str>*
> *      <str>map(query({!dismax qf=titlex v=$ql2 pf=""}),0,0,1,1.5)</str>*
> *      <str>map(query({!dismax qf=attribs v='poorDescription'
> pf=''},0),0,0,1,0.02)</str>*
> *      <str>if(exists(itemprice2),map(query({!dismax qf=itemprice2
> v='0'}),0,0,1.2,1),1)</str>*
> *      <str>map(sdesclen,0,150,1,1.5)</str>*
> *      <str>map(sdesclen,0,0,0.1,1)</str>*
> *      <str>map(CustTypeWt,700,1869,1.1,1)</str>*
> *      <str>map(CustTypeWt,699,699,1.2,1)</str>*
> *      <str>map(CustTypeWt,199,199,1.3,1)</str>*
> *      <str>map(CustTypeWt,0,179,1.35,1)</str>*
> *      <str>map(CustTypeWt,3399,3999,0.07,1)</str>*
> *      <str>map(query({!dismax qf=attribs v='hot'}),0,0,1,1.2)</str>*
> *      <str>map(query({!dismax qf=isphoto v='true'
> pf=""}),0,0,0.05,1)</str>*
> *    </arr>*
> *    <arr name="fq">*
> *      <str>mcatid:(1223 6240 825 1936 31235)
> titlex:("imswjutebagimsw")</str>*
> *      <str>attribs:(locprefglobal locprefnational locprefcity
> locprefunknown)</str>*
> *      <str>displayid:4768979112</str>*
> *      <str>+((+datatype:product +attribs:(aprstatus20 aprstatus40
> aprstatus50) +aggregate:true -attribs:liststatusnfl +((+countryiso:IN
> +isfcp:true) (+CustTypeWt:[149 TO 1499]) CustTypeWt:1870))
> (+datatype:company -attribs:liststatusnfl +((+countryiso:IN +isfcp:true)
> (+CustTypeWt:[149 TO 1499]) CustTypeWt:1870)))
> -attribs:liststatusdnf</str>*
> *    </arr>*
> *    <str name="mm">2&lt;-1 4&lt;70%</str>*
> *    <arr name="facet.field">*
> *      <str>{!ex=cityf}city</str>*
> *      <str>{!ex=datatypef}datatype</str>*
> *      <str>{!ex=biztypef}biztype</str>*
> *    </arr>*
> *    <str name="spellcheck.dictionary">default</str>*
> *    <str name="echoParams">ALL</str>*
> *    <str
> name="fl">displayid,datatype,title,smalldescorg,photo,catid,mcatname,companyname,CustTypeWt,glusrid,usrpcatflname,paidurl,fcpurl,city,state,countryname,countryiso,tscode,address,state,zipcode,phone,mobile,contactperson,pns,dupimg,smalldesc,etoofrqty,lastactiondatet,mcatid,isadult,pnsdisabled,membersince,locpref,categoryinfo,distance:geodist($lat,$lon,latlon),iildisplayflag,dispflagval,biztype,datarefid,parentglusrid,itemcode,itemprice,itemcurrency,largedesc,ecom_url,ecom_source_id,moq,moq_type</str>*
> *    <str name="lon">0</str>*
> *    <str name="rows">20</str>*
> *    <str name="group.ngroups">true</str>*
> *    <str name="spellcheck.extendedResults">true</str>*
> *    <str name="facet.limit">15</str>*
> *    <str name="group.truncate">true</str>*
> *    <arr name="qf">*
> *      <str>mcatnametext^0.2</str>*
> *      <str>titlews^0.5</str>*
> *      <str>smalldesc^0.0000000001</str>*
> *      <str>title_text^1.5</str>*
> *      <str>usrpcatname^0.1</str>*
> *      <str>customspell^0.1</str>*
> *    </arr>*
> *    <str name="spellcheck">true</str>*
> *    <arr name="pf">*
> *      <str>mcatnametext^0.5</str>*
> *      <str>titlews</str>*
> *      <str>title_text^3</str>*
> *      <str>usrpcatname^0.1</str>*
> *      <str>smalldesc^0.0000000001</str>*
> *      <str>customspell^0.1</str>*
> *    </arr>*
> *    <str name="spellcheck.onlyMorePopular">true</str>*
> *    <str name="facet.mincount">1</str>*
> *    <str name="spellcheck.count">10</str>*
> *    <str name="wt">xml</str>*
> *    <str name="facet">true</str>*
> *    <str name="lat">0</str>*
> *    <str name="group.field">parentglusrid</str>*
> *    <str name="group">true</str>*
> *    <str name="spellcheck.collate">true</str>*
> *    <str name="qt"></str>*
> *    <str name="ps">2</str>*
> *    <str name="debug">true</str>*
> *    <str name="echoParams">ALL</str>*
> *    <str name="group.limit">1</str>*
> *    <str name="lon">0</str>*
> *    <arr name="fq">*
> *      <str>mcatid:(1223 6240 825 1936 31235)
> titlex:("imswjutebagimsw")</str>*
> *      <str>attribs:(locprefglobal locprefnational locprefcity
> locprefunknown)</str>*
> *      <str>displayid:4768979112</str>*
> *      <str>+((+datatype:product +attribs:(aprstatus20 aprstatus40
> aprstatus50) +aggregate:true -attribs:liststatusnfl +((+countryiso:IN
> +isfcp:true) (+CustTypeWt:[149 TO 1499]) CustTypeWt:1870))
> (+datatype:company -attribs:liststatusnfl +((+countryiso:IN +isfcp:true)
> (+CustTypeWt:[149 TO 1499]) CustTypeWt:1870)))
> -attribs:liststatusdnf</str>*
> *    </arr>*
> *    <str name="rows">20</str>*
> *    <str name="q">jute bags</str>*
> *    <str name="spellcheck">true</str>*
> *    <str name="ql2">"jutebagimsw"</str>*
> *    <str name="ql1">"bagimsw"</str>*
> *    <str name="mc1">"1223"</str>*
> *    <arr name="boost">*
> *      <str>map(query({!dismax qf=mcatid v=$mc1 pf=""}),0,0,1,2.0)</str>*
> *      <str>map(eff_views,1,2,1.15,1)</str>*
> *      <str>map(query({!dismax qf=titlex v=$ql1 pf=""}),0,0,1,1.5)</str>*
> *      <str>map(query({!dismax qf=titlex v=$ql2 pf=""}),0,0,1,1.5)</str>*
> *      <str>map(query({!dismax qf=attribs v='poorDescription'
> pf=''},0),0,0,1,0.02)</str>*
> *      <str>if(exists(itemprice2),map(query({!dismax qf=itemprice2
> v='0'}),0,0,1.2,1),1)</str>*
> *      <str>map(sdesclen,0,150,1,1.5)</str>*
> *      <str>map(sdesclen,0,0,0.1,1)</str>*
> *      <str>map(CustTypeWt,700,1869,1.1,1)</str>*
> *      <str>map(CustTypeWt,699,699,1.2,1)</str>*
> *      <str>map(CustTypeWt,199,199,1.3,1)</str>*
> *      <str>map(CustTypeWt,0,179,1.35,1)</str>*
> *      <str>map(CustTypeWt,3399,3999,0.07,1)</str>*
> *      <str>map(query({!dismax qf=attribs v='hot'}),0,0,1,1.2)</str>*
> *      <str>map(query({!dismax qf=isphoto v='true'
> pf=""}),0,0,0.05,1)</str>*
> *    </arr>*
> *    <str name="wt">xml</str>*
> *    <str name="lat">0</str>*
> *    <str name="tie">0.3</str>*
> *    <str name="defType">synonym_edismax</str>*
> *    <str name="indent">on</str>*
> *    <str name="synonyms">true</str>*
> *  </lst>*
> *</lst>*
> With Regards
> Aman Tandon

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