There were some bugs with the 5.3.0 release and 5.3.1 is in the
process of getting released.

try out the option #2 with the RC here

On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 5:16 PM, Merlin Morgenstern
<> wrote:
> OK, I downgraded to solr 5.2.x
> Unfortunatelly still no luck. I followed 2 aproaches:
> 1. Secure it the old fashioned way like described here:
> 2. Using the Basic Authentication Plugin like described here:
> Both aproaches created unsolved problems.
> While following option 1, I was able to secure the Admin UI with basic
> authentication, but no longer able to access my application despite the
> fact that it was working on solr 3.x with the same type of authentication
> procedure and credentials.
> While following option 2, I was stuck right after uploading the
> security.json file to the zookeeper ensemble. The described behaviour to curl
> http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/authentication responded with a 404 not
> found and then solr could not connect to zookeeper. I had to remove that
> file from zookeeper and restart all solr nodes.
> Please could someone lead me the way on how to secure the Admin UI and
> password protect solr cloud? I have a perfectly running system with solr
> 3.x and one core and now taking it to solr cloud 5.2.x into production
> seems to be stoped by simple authorization problems.
> Thank you in advane for any help.
> 2015-09-10 20:42 GMT+02:00 Noble Paul <>:
>> Check this
>> There a couple of bugs in 5.3.o and a bug fix release is coming up
>> over the next few days.
>> We don't provide any specific means to restrict access to admin UI
>> itself. However we let users specify fine grained ACLs on various
>> operations such collection-admin-edit, read etc
>> On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 2:35 PM, Merlin Morgenstern
>> <> wrote:
>> > I just installed solr cloud 5.3.x and found that the way to secure the
>> amin
>> > ui has changed. Aparently there is a new plugin which does role based
>> > authentification and all info on how to secure the admin UI found on the
>> > net is outdated.
>> >
>> > I do not need role based authentification but just simply want to put
>> basic
>> > authentification to the Admin UI.
>> >
>> > How do I configure solr cloud 5.3.x in order to restrict access to the
>> > Admin UI via Basic Authentification?
>> >
>> > Thank you for any help
>> --
>> -----------------------------------------------------
>> Noble Paul

Noble Paul

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