On 10/6/2015 10:22 PM, Adrian Liew wrote:
> Hence, the issue is that upon startup of three machines, the startup of ZK 
> and Solr is out of sequence that causes SolrCloud to behave unexpectedly. 
> Noting there is Jira ticket addressed here for Solr 4.9 above to include an 
> improvement to the issue above. 
> (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-5129) 

That issue is unresolved, so it has not been fixed in any Solr version.

At this time, if you do not have Zookeeper quorum (a majority of your ZK
nodes fully operational), you will not be able to successfully start
SolrCloud nodes.  The issue has low priority because there is a viable
workaround -- ensure that ZK has quorum before starting or restarting
any Solr node.

Thinking out loud:  Until this issue is fixed, I think this means that a
3-node setup where all three nodes use the zookeeper embedded in Solr
will require a strange startup sequence if none of the nodes are running:

* Start node 1. Solr will not start correctly -- no ZK quorum.
* Start node 2. Solr might start correctly, not sure.
* Start node 3. This should start correctly.
* Restart node 1. With ZK nodes 2 and 3 running, this will work.
* Restart node 2 if it did not start properly the first time.

I really have no idea whether the second node startup will work properly.


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