On 10/7/2015 3:06 AM, Adrian Liew wrote:
> Thanks for informing me. I guess the worst case scenario is that all 3 ZK 
> services are down and that may be unlikely the case. At this juncture, as you 
> said the viable workaround is a manual approach to start up the services in 
> sequence in ensuring a quorum can take place. So the proper sequence in a 3 
> ZK + Solr (both ZK and Solr in each server) server setup will be as follows:
> Downed situation with one or mode ZK services
> 1. Restart all ZK Services first on all three machines
> 2. Restart all Solr Services on all three machines
> Please do clarify if the above is correct and I will be happy to take this 
> approach and communicate to my customer.

If zookeeper is external (not embedded in Solr), your procedure is
correct -- ensure enough ZK nodes are started to reach quorum, then
start Solr.  If using the embedded zookeeper (-DzkRun) then you would
want to follow the procedure I outlined in my last message.


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