On 11/6/2015 6:18 PM, Yonik Seeley wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 3:36 PM, Shawn Heisey <apa...@elyograg.org> wrote:
>> The specific index update that fails during the optimize is the SolrJ
>> deleteByQuery call.
> deleteByQuery may be the outlier here... we have to jump through extra
> hoops internally because we don't know which documents it will affect.
> Normal adds and deletes should proceed in parallel though.

I'm not doing the delete query on the uniqueKey field.  It's on a
separate (but also unique) "delete id" field.  Because I query each
shard before I actually do the delete, I could retrieve the uniqueKey
field and then issue a standard delete request with the IDs that I receive.

I would prefer to be able to query Solr on some API to determine the
uniqueKey field name, so I don't need to have that field name in my
configuration, then use that info on the query.  I would definitely
prefer to not use the "files" api to retrieve schema.xml, because I
would then need to parse XML.  Is there a decent API for getting uniqueKey?


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