If you have access to the Admin UI, go to the Schema Browser field
under the core (I assume Solr 4+ here, never actually asked for your
version). https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Schema+Browser+Screen

You can see in the example that when you select a field, it will show
whether it is copied to from other fields. That's the copyField I was
talking about earlier. Check that first.

You might also be able to get your schema.xml and solrconfig.xml on
the Files screen:
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Files+Screen. Check
there for definitions. A definition for "fl" under "/select" or
perhaps your custom request handler may restrict the fields you are

Solr Analyzers, Tokenizers, Filters, URPs and even a newsletter:

On 17 November 2015 at 11:32, Shane McCarthy <smccar...@upei.ca> wrote:
> Yes a complex situation and I am having trouble knowing who to ask for an
> explanation.
> I have been given access to the Solr Admin page.   Using the persistent
> identifier PID, I have done a query for PID = *. The PID that are found
> with that query all have cml_hfenergy_md, a multivalued double field,
> repeated 8 or 4 times.
> I have multiple string, multiple date fields that are also repeated
> There are single string and integer fields that are not repeated.
> Do you know if all results of the query are returned with the Solr Admin?
> It tells me the numFound but does not give me the all the fields requested
> for all the results.  Is this usual behaviour?
> Cheers,
> Shane
> On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 7:11 PM, Alexandre Rafalovitch <arafa...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On 16 November 2015 at 17:40, Shane McCarthy <smccar...@upei.ca> wrote:
>> > I am using an instance of Islandora.
>> Ah. This complicates the situation as there is an unknown - to most of
>> us - layer in between. So, it is not clear whether this multiplication
>> is happening in Solr or in Islandora.
>> Your best option is to hit Solr server directly and basically do a
>> query for a specific record's id with the fields that you are having a
>> problem with. If that field for that record shows the problem the same
>> way as through the full Islandora path, the problem is Solr. Then, you
>> review the copyFields, etc. If it does not.......
>> Also, is this only happening with one "double" field but not another,
>> with all "double" fields or with some other combination?
>> And did it start at some point or was this always like that?
>> You need to figure out something to contrast the observed behavior against.
>> Regards,
>>     Alex.
>> ----
>> Solr Analyzers, Tokenizers, Filters, URPs and even a newsletter:
>> http://www.solr-start.com/

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