On 12/4/2015 6:37 AM, Gian Maria Ricci - aka Alkampfer wrote:
> Many thanks for your response.
> I worked with Solr until early version 4.0, then switched to ElasticSearch
> for a variety of reasons. I've used replication in the past with SolR, but
> with Elasticsearch basically I had no problem because it works similar to
> SolrCloud by default and with almost zero configuration.
> Now I've a customer that want to use Solr, and he want the simplest possible
> stuff to maintain in production. Since most of the work will be done by Data
> Import Handler, having multiple parallel and independent machines is easy to
> maintain. If one machine fails, it is enough to configure another machine,
> configure core and restart DIH.
> I'd like to know if other people went through this path in the past.

Even though I don't use SolrCloud myself for my primary indexes, if I
were setting up a brand new install of Solr for someone else to manage
after I'm finished with it, I would use SolrCloud.  SolrCloud has no
master, no single point of failure.  Handling multiple shards and
multiple replicas is mostly automatic.  If the clients use SolrJ,
there's no need for a load balancer.

I've never used elasticsearch, but I've looked a little bit at its
configuration.  There are aspects of it that are much easier than Solr.
 Solr does not hide very much of the lower-level complexity from the
administrator.  This makes the learning curve for Solr a lot steeper
than the learning curve for ES, but once that is tackled, the Solr
administrator understands the inner workings a lot better than the ES

I've seen claims that ES is much faster than Solr ... but if the
benchmarks supporting those claims are using the out-of-the-box
configurations, then it is an unfair comparison -- Solr's out of the box
configuration has much more capability turned on and is going to run
slower as a result.  I have not seen any numbers where Solr and ES are
set up with configurations that are as identical as possible.  I have to
wonder if this is because the performance would be similar.


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