Hi all,

I have a SolrCloud cluster with a collection (2.5M docs) with 3 shards and
15 replicas.
There is a solrj application that feeds the collection, updating few
documents every hour, I don't understand why, at end of process, the hard
commit takes about 8/10 minutes.

Even if there are only few hundreds of documents.

This is the autocommit configuration:


In your experience why hard commit takes so long even for so few documents?

Now I'm changing the code to softcommit, calling commit (waitFlush =
false, waitSearcher
= false, softCommit = true);

solrServer.commit(false, false, true);.

I have configured NRTCachingDirectoryFactory, but I'm a little bit worried
if a server goes down (something like: kill -9, SolrCloud crashes, out of
memory, etc.), and if, using this strategy softcommit+NRTCachingDirectory,
SolrCloud instance could not recover a replica.

Should I worry about this new configuration? I was thinking to take a
snapshot of everything every day, in order to recover immediately the
index. Could this be considered a best practice?

Thanks in advance for your time,

Vincenzo D'Amore
email: v.dam...@gmail.com
skype: free.dev
mobile: +39 349 8513251

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